Level up with NodeConfEU
This week I was lucky enough to visit Kilkenny — for 3 days jam packed with all things Node.js — at a lovely venue in the Irish countryside. 🍀 NodeConfEU gathers an international community of folks developing and using Node.js, for talks and workshops and hallway tracks and social events. I learnt so much! 🙆🏻♀️ But even more importantly, I am filled to the brim — much like the foam on a newly poured Kilkenny — with motivation for getting back to improving our Node.js apps at work.
Technically, I have been to a NodeConf before. In 2016, we organized CSSconf Nordic, Web Rebels and NodeConf in Oslo over 4 days. For the day of NodeConf, I was on organizer hallway duty and didn’t catch any talks. And at the time, I really didn’t know what Node.js even was, how it actually related to JavaScript the language and npm packages. Fast forward 6 years…
Fastify my seatbelt for learning
Sunday evening before the event, I was talking with another attendee and Fastify came up. I had to ask what that was, got a nice explanation and learnt that ‘Okay, Fastify is a web framework for Node.js’ and an equivalent to something I already knew: Express. Fun experience, because Fastify is then mentioned again and again and again the following days, only now I know what it is. This is representative for how I have experienced learning in general, since starting a new job a year ago. The complexity of frameworks, libraries and tooling make up a vast amount of trees, so much that it can be difficult to see the forrest. But once I figured out how to see the landscape clearly, new snippets of knowledge fall into place way more easily. As conference attendees, we ask each other “favourite talk so far?” and I do enjoy the discussions that spring out of bringing a specific talk into the conversation. But for me, my absolutely favourite aspect of the conference has been the gradual layering of knowledge happening in my brain. I love the feeling of how bits and pieces just fall into place — connected to each other. This is a very different feeling from earlier years of frustration from trying to tame rogue free‑floating parts of knowledge that didn’t quite fit together yet.
Node.js evolution
Lizz Parody set us off to a great start Monday morning. I love her slides: “New and Exciting features in Nodejs” and am especially looking forward to try:
// Use new test runner from node.js core (perhaps to replace a test framework?)
import test from "node:test";
# Start app with flag to watch for file changes (no need for dependency nodemon)
node --watch index.js
The Fetch API is coming to the back-end! 🎉 We won’t need the dependency node-fetch anymore, and Ethan Arrowood walked us though the history of the standards and implementations. Found the Node.js v18 release with this code example:
// node.js made fetch happen outside the browser
const res = await fetch("https://nodejs.org/api/documentation.json");
if (res.ok) {
const data = await res.json();
Highly interesting to see releaser Danielle Adams present how they manage semver majors, security patches, the stages current / active LTS / maintenance LTS. Slides: The Life and Times of a Node.js Release (Whoa, the git that allows Node.js to have multiple release lines!) Directly useful for me, is a better understanding of when and why there is a new release. I’ve probably been grappling some hesitation about updating because I haven’t properly understood the consequences. But there is no reason to ignore minor updates or to fear a major update. Now I am inspired to pay way more attention to releases, and to more frequently reap the benefits of upgrading.
Security, Security, Security
We had many presentations and discussions on vulnerabilities, updating dependencies and writing secure code. I am left with a sense of validation that the work I have been focusing on this year is important. And even more curiosity in playing around with different tools and learning:
- Snyk — various tools for security, but especially the CLI
- learn.snyk.io — lessons on everything from SQL injections to XSS
- Mend Renovate — to automate dependency updates
- LavaMoat — tools for sandboxing an app’s dependency graphs
- dotdotpwn — a fuzzer to discover traversal directory vulnerabilities
- open/source/insights — an experimental project by Google to understand my dependencies
- npm-audit-resolver — to build a security practice with a
file for packages that you decide to ignore when something can’t be fixed right away
OpenSSF has recently announced a guide on npm Best Practices for the Supply-Chain with the published document in github.com/ossf/package-manager-best-practices 👀
All 3 days had workshops after lunch to dive deeper into a topic. Monday I joined Liran Tal for Developer Security Essentials with Snyk where we had fun hacking a chat room app, and gained increased awareness about exploits and application security risks. Not sure it had quite dawned on me before; how containers and vulnerabilities inherited with base images are part of the picture.
TensorFlow.js 😁😠
Patty O'Callaghan gave a super fun workshop where we got our hands dirty with using machine learning directly in a browser. I got to set up a webpage with a pre-trained model to recognise objects from my webcam stream. Happy to learn that I am most likely a person
, and thought it was very funny that my pencil was probably a baseball bat
🤪 Next step in the workshop, I created my own model with Teachable Machine to detect if my face was happy or angry. For about an hour, I was hanging out it the hotel lobby making faces at my webcam to train and test the model.
Build a Node.js CLI tool
My most awesome win for Wednesday was opting to join the workshop to set up a note taking CLI with features from Node.js core. Simon Plenderleith & Kevin Cunningham had a great setup to guide us though parsing arguments with parseArgs
and getting interactive input with:
import * as readline from "node:readline/promises";
import { stdin as input, stdout as output } from "node:process";
import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url";
We also used fetch
to get a response from api-ninjas.com to add some data to the notes. I really enjoyed this workshop, and of all the things I picked up from NodeConfEU 2022… maybe just maybe continuing to work on this CLI is the side project I will make a priority.
More things I want to look into
- Shell scripting with Node.js 📖 by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
- Fastify — a web framework to spin up Node.js 💁🏻♀️ (it would be interesting to learn what it takes to refactor an existing app currently using Express, and also see if I find a diff in speed)
- Bilt — a build tool for npm monorepos
- server.requestTimeout — “to protect against potential Denial-of-Service attacks in case the server is deployed without a reverse proxy in front”
- Glitch — I knew of Glitch, but hadn’t created an account before the TensorFlow.js workshop. Got interested in finding more use cases for Glitch to teach and demo full-stack web apps ✨
- Lyra — a search engine I can run on both client and server
- Replace Dependabot With a Single Dependency Upgrade Pull Request